If you ever get a chance to view the traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall, do it. Saw the one in DC years ago, and was as moved by this as I was then. So many names, so many lives. Don't know if I know anyone on the wall, but it is quite possible that some old schoolmates are on it. Even though it is a replica, those viewing it were as silent as those at the DC monument. While you are looking at the names of those that gave all, you are also seeing yourself.
I once saw a picture of the memorial, or should I say graphic, of a man and his grandson at the wall. The man had his hand touching the wall, and in the wall you saw a soldier who would have been the son/father of the two. Even thinking about it gives me chills.

The crazy quilt style was a small quilt that I did for my youngest granddaughter, Sarah. I did it by the stack and slice method. The border fabric is dolphins in many different colors. I used the fancy stitches on my machine to stitch along all the lines as my method of quilting that one.
The red, white & blue quilt was a mystery quilt from a magazine. I gave it to Sarah's brother Steven. I'll have to do a mystery quilt again in the future, they are a lot of fun.