Thursday, September 29, 2011

Another One Block Wonder

I have finally decided on how I am going to finish my next One Block Wonder Quilt. I didn't have enough fabric for the size quilt I wanted to do, so I played with ideas on how to frame the blocks. I thought of squaring them up, but decided to stay with the hex shape. I will be using purple, green, yellow and rusty orange fabrics. Alternating the fabrics with each block. Here is the first one.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fall already?

Can't believe it is already the start of Fall. Not that I am complaining - I love this time of year.

Niece's wedding is tonight and quilt is ready to go. Got the label on and (all) the loose threads off. There probably are still some, but got all the ones I saw. As it turned out, the log cabin part of the quilt is the only round that is the same as the one I saw in the magazine. The picture on the right is part of the backing.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September already?

Can't believe it is already September and Labor Day is past. Despite forcasts of rain, we had a clear day here that was on the cool side.

Starting to put the One Block Wonder quilt together. When it is done, I will donate it to Quilts for Kids. After the hexes are put together in 2 parts. The center seam isn't sewn yet so you have to be very careful when you lay it out and start sewing it together. The 1/2 hexes are sewn together in rows or columns and then the rows/columns are joined together. The picture above is the columns/rows before they are sewn together and the one to the right is when they are attached.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Back Again

I've been really busy with family and making a quilt for a niece getting married later this month. I'll post a picture of the quilt later in the month. We lost one of our beloved dogs and added one. I had a health scare that so far is in the past. Now we will soon be moving into fall, I'll be moving back to the house next month and I have time to make other quilts.

I have really enjoyed cooler weather we have had the past week, but we are moving into hotter more humid again. Summer hasn't given up yet.

I have started a One Block Wonder quilt with butterfly fabric. I also want to do one with Oriental fabric and some kids fabric that I have. The kids fabric is bright and has a lot of movement, so it should work out well. Here are a couple blocks of the butterfly quilt.