Saw this great idea. It can, of course, be adjusted to the size you want. In this case I started with 8" squares of fabric. I used a dark thread so it could be seen more easily.
With the fabric placed right sides together, sew a 1/4" seam down each side. Cut a 2.5" piece from each side, and cut 2.5" piece from the center. Press the 2 seamed pieces open to the dark fabric. The fabric from the center will be added to each strip to make 3 strip pieces.
Since you pressed seams to the dark, they will nest together as shown above. Again, sew down the sides like before and cut 2.5" strips as before.
Again, press to the dark on the 2 seamed pieces and add the center piece to each block.
Press seam and you now have 2 perfect 9-patch blocks without cutting any individual squares. I hope my directions are clear.