Thursday, March 28, 2013

Spring weather coming

We will be in the 50's today. It is a long time coming, but won't be long before I will be complaining about the heat.

I have some projects with deadlines, and as tends to happen I am dragging my feet on getting them done. I have made progress on my hand piecing projects, but none on the machine. I must get back to it today or I will really run out of time. Today and tomorrow will be dedicated to finishing one niece's quilt so I can move on to laying out the group quilt from our Quilt Guild that I am assembling.

I am seeing more and more birds out by my feeder. The usual winter group is there, but I am also seeing the robins and yesterday saw a couple red-wing blackbirds. Looking forward to being able to set my hummingbird feeders out again.

The trees are starting to get buds and our pussy willow tree is growing those lovely soft buds. Well....must get started on my sewing.