Sunday, January 19, 2014

Jo's Club Quilt Show and other thoughts.

Yesterday was the Jo's Club Quilt Show. A culmination of the past year making miniature quilts. Unfortunately I had so many projects going last year I didn't get around to making any of them. There are 5 different groups that meet once a month to get that month's pattern and have discussion on what we need to know, show and tell and socializing. There are up to 20 people in each group.

The quilts range in size from the smallest at 13 1/2 x 15 1/2 to the largest which is 43 x 52. The individual blocks in each quilt average about 2 to 4 inches. A 4-patch would only be 2 inches square, so mistakes really show. The ladies did a fabulous job. These are only a few of the quilts that were hanging all around the shop. Next month we start our next session.

This is our Mr. Wilson on the left and Miss Suzi Q on the right. Wilson needs to be crated when we are out as he cannot be trusted to stay out of trouble. Suzi Q on the other hand can be left on her own and usually curls up in one of their many beds. For some reason the other day she decided she wanted to be in the crate with Wilson and wouldn't get out. We figured that after being caged with him one time she wouldn't want to do it again. Apparently she likes it. Yesterday she got in and wouldn't get out again. So I took a picture of the jailbirds. LOL
We are heading into another couple days of a deep freeze and still have tons of snow out there. We are getting every bird in the city at our 2 feeders. The other day we had over 15 Mourning Doves as well as the usual assortment of Chicadees, Cardinals, Blue Jays, etc.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Deep Freeze

It is not as cold as some places, but -35 wind chill is enough for now. Glad we don't have to be outside.

Our pines are beautiful with all the snow on them. We have about 15" of snow far deeper than my boots are tall. I'll have to figure something else out to go walk around. Maybe big garbage bags?

Thanks to my Christmas present from our kids, I was able to get a good picture of one of our Cardinals. We have at least 4 males, but they are so skiddish any movement and they are gone.

Anyone up for some barbecue? It is buried in there somewhere. I guess we won't be barbecueing for a couple days at least. ;)
We haven't lost our power so far, so it has been a great time to stay cozy in the house. Our neighbor came and plowed our driveway on Sunday. It sure did look nice until the wind picked up and it all blew back. So, we are still snowed in. Need a snowplow!!
Wilson doesn't stay out any longer than he absolutely has to. He starts limping if he is out longer than a few seconds right now. Miss Suzi Q doesn't like it either unless, of course, she can chase a squirrel. Then all bets are off. It is so deep neither the squirrel nor Suzi can move very fast. Supposed to have a heat wave this weekend. It might get up to 30 deg. out.