Friday, July 31, 2009

Hex quilt month 3

Had to take pictures in 3 parts. It is too big to get it in one shot here at the lake. Not enough room to get away from it. I got quite a bit done this past month, but probably won't get as much done next as I have 2 projects I need to complete.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


As the reunion/wedding was on a farm, the bride made an unusual entrance to the tune of "She thinks my tractor is sexy". We had a beautiful day with temps on the cool side, making it a very comfortable day for a picnic, baseball and horseshoes. Over 100 people were in attendance.

Fabulous food as always, and I ate way too much.

Here are the bride and groom with their new quilt. One of her sons is also in the picture. Don't they look great together.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bride Doll

Have finished the bride doll for my niece's wedding. They make wonderful gifts, and each one is different. Found a doll that had an up-do, so was able to do a different veil than I have done before.

Now I need to start on one for the next wedding.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hex quilt month 2

Can't believe June is history.

We went to our local balloonfest this past weekend. Over 50 balloons went up Friday and Saturday evenings. Unfortunately the craft area was very small this year - not many vendors. There were a lot of people there both nights. Great show.

Now for my quilt. I have reached the 2000 piece point with many, many to go. You see the beginnings of the land on the other side of the water. By then end of July I should be into the mountains.