Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Quilt Guild Results

Had our guild meeting last night. We held our first quilt show last month and thanks to an excellent committee, everything went very smoothly. We even made a little money on the event.

The only prize was people's choice, and I was the lucky winner. How exciting. We are now trying to decide if we will do another in 2 years or 4 years. There were so many wonderful quilts. We have a very talented group of ladies and 1 man.

The quilt is made up of 7/8" hexes, and contains 12,877 pieces. I call it "You're crazy grandma" since that is what my oldest granddaughter told me when I told her about it.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Three years ago I saw this quilt at a quilt show. It is reputed to have a picture of each of the people lost on 9-11 on it. It is a wonderful tribute, and an amazing piece.

We must always remember what happened on that day and why we are fighting terrorists wherever they may be.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hex quilt month 4

It is so hard to believe that another month is gone and summer is just about over. Another 2 months and I will have to move back to the house in town. We have had a cool summer which is fine with me, but the people from Florida are not happy with it. Some will be going back early.

Made some good progress on my quilt as you can see. I have 3 patterns that I am considering for Quilt of Valor projects when I get to the house. Always more ideas than time.
