Thursday, November 26, 2015

Christmas tree skirt

Tree skirt that a son requested is done and ready to be given to them today. I decided to make it square, and the split goes from the center to a corner so that the corners stick out from under the tree. He also requested something religious on one side so I found fabric for the backing that fits the bill.

The backing is a lovely Jim Shore design that I found on-line. I really like it.

The corner in the back of the tree has just a plain block. The lower left star will be at the front of the tree. My first attempt at a tree skirt, and I am very pleased with it. The background material is a sparkly/frosty blue winter tree design.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Square in a Square using 2 pieces of fabric

This is a great way to work with pre-cuts. You need a charm pack and a layer cake, or use your own fabrics and cut 5" and 10" squares. If you have smaller squares, just cut the larger square twice the size of the smaller one.

1. Center the smaller square on the larger one. You can do this by folding both squares in quarters or you can use 2 rulers to measure in from the top and side and snug the smaller square against the 2 rulers.

2. Fold in 2 sides to the center and either pin or press the fold. Sew a 1/4" seam on each side and press open.

3. Fold in the top and bottom, pin or press and sew 1/4" seam top and bottom. Press open and your block is completed.


Monday, November 9, 2015

Busy Year

It has been too long since I have posted. In that time, we have lost my wonderful Mother-In-Law. She had 93 years on this earth. She had some health struggles, but was fairly active up until the last three months of her life. She will be greatly missed by all of us. The following picture is of a quilt I made for her back in 2004. It is now back in my hands and on my bed giving me a warm hug from her each night. Like me, she preferred the side shown in the first picture.